A man with a mission :
the task : finding a job and a flat in two days...
the tools : A busy schedule, starting as soon as I set foot on ground - going to Antwerp to see three flats with my dad - who kindly offered me to pick me up and bring me to Antwerp. Then tomorrow for the job (and seeing another flat) and on Saturday I go to see three more flats as well - including the one we have set our eyes on... always save the best for last, non?
the result : read here soon hopefully!
3 opmerkingen:
...and maybe 2 minutes free to have a drink with your friends?
oh definitely! that goes without saying!
Kristof wakes with his clothes on
The morning call has been and gone
And he might not make the flight but he will try. (yeah)
Bit by bit it comes back to him
A bunch of Belgian businessmen
And a strange drinking game - why oh why?
He hails a cab but the driver sucks;
He drives real slowly and he talks so much
That it hurts Billy Bird's aching brain.
He runs from the cab to the check-in desk
She says 'no way' but Kristof begs
On his knees 'please please please' , 'well okay.'
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