
Oh nooooooooooooo!!!!!
What is happening with me? Someone who knows me a little, knows that I am not a morning person at all... if you let me sleep, i can stay in bed till long after noon...
But this morning i woke up, without alarm clock or anything ONE HOUR BEFORE i usually had to get up...

Could it be that i am shifting to a morning person? Is my body already anticipating the daylight-saving time that starts next sunday?

Luckily i realised my earliness and went back to sleep and slept 'till way past my normal waking time, so there is still hope for me :-)

5 opmerkingen:

Sarah zei

And getting up on a Saturday morning, at about 8 o'clock, to go to the Highlands.. Yes.. very strange! You're not pregnant, are you??! :D

Miss K zei

Oh no! Before we panic, a very important question: did you go to bed one hour earlier than usual?

Anoniem zei

that's growing up! They say the older you grow the less you need to sleep (I still haven't experienced so). My grandma gets up at 5 everyday! Imagine! Or maybe is just spring syndrome: sun begins to shine, days are longer, your body is excited and hormons dancing, etc. Or maybe sarah is true and you are pregnant...

Stoffel zei

oh no... i have eaten half a pack of cookies ... i gained some weight... and i was feeling a bit sick this morning... i MUST be pregnant... :-)

Anoniem zei

with chocolat? a CHOCOLAT BABY! mmmmm. You can call him Bombon if it's a boy or Trufle if a girl...