
Antwerp Life

Back in Antwerp - what a strange feeling... the day I arrived, spring had just unleashed its first flock of sunshine over the country and it felt very very good... the day was carefully planned and there was no time for delays - which luckily didn't happen. My father brought me from the airport straight to my job-interview, which lasted about three hours, but went - in my own opinion - very well... later that night i met up with friends David and Paulus and headed afterwards with Roel to Antwerp. After checking our the new flat -still looks great- we met up with Magali and Sarah to go and party in town to celebrate my return! The next day was spent hanging around in town, drinking coffee and now lazy night on the couch... On Sunday, Karlien will bring me breakfast (hopefully); my parents bring a bed to the apartment (am sleeping on a mattress in case you were worried) and later all the 4IC-girls come and visit me after their pampering-weekend... Fun!!!

1 opmerking:

Sarah zei

Hey nu je terug in Antwerpen bent mag het wel terug in het nederlands he?

Seg: had jij ook zo'n hoofdpijn na die fuif?? Bij mij was dat VERSCHRIKKELIJK en NEEN ik heb niet veel gedronken! (tenzij je één pintje en drie corona's veel vindt?) Ik vind echt dat ze me deze keer veel te hard gestraft hebben!! Niet leuk, zeker als je de stoep moet gaan poetsen met de buren..

En verder: HOE KAN IK JE BEREIKEN?? ik weet niet naar waar ik moet bellen en ik weet zelfs je huisnummer niet! Mail me!