
exit: this way please

Curious how a good night sleep can effect my mood – well ok, that is not so curious, since it is a common known fact. But yesterday – after a perfect meal at A’s - I went to bed – people who know me please attend a position of absolute amazement and shock before reading the following: – a few minutes before 10:30 pm! That has not happened since… I can’t remember when I went to bed that early… my mind works ten times faster, I don’t need the amounts of coffee I usually do, the sun is shining (do you think I can effect the weather by sleeping well?)

And it has done me good. Not all the microbes that considered my body their new home the last days have left, but enough to get me through the day (I hope)! (I think most of them have left through my nose, because there is still some congestion going on at the moment)

Good timing anyway, because tonight starts the last serious of three performances of the proms – which is a pity because I really came to enjoy the shows. After this weekend the circus moves to Rotterdam, where I normally have no shows (I am in the reserve section) and then after Rotterdam to Germany, where I will sing too a couple of days, somewhere mid December...

3 opmerkingen:

Sarah zei


Sleeping is VERY important indeed!!

Blij voor u dat het bijna voorbij is...! x

Anoniem zei

'effect the weather by sleeping well..', sounds like something out of an X-men comic... cool!!

So, I imagine you will be partying saturday-night after the last show?
(the question is: will they go full monty saturday... :-))

Anoniem zei

moest ik dan toch ook nog eens proberen...ik geraak niet van die gele beestjes vanaf...
leuk dat je weer komt zingen...
tot straksjes!