
Last day

It’s been a long time since I was this happy so early in the morning. That is because today is the last day at my current job, and the people who know me, know that I am not that so sorry to go.
But since I am positive and optimistic of nature I will not start a rant about what went wrong. I look forward to my new challenge and especially my week of holidays next week!

Not really sure what I will do exactly, but hey, it’s holidays!

4 opmerkingen:

Michael zei

This is just too weird. I googled my blog, and found this one.
Our last name is Stoffel, and we live in Antwerp...NY..USA!!


Anoniem zei

oh my god, jullie hebben zelfs dezelfde lay-out, ni?

Miss K zei

Oh wow! that is really weird! greetings from Antwerp, Belgium!

Miss K zei

update! update!