

I’ve been working for my company on a selection of new corporate gifts, and we – and more precisely – my bosses, can’t seem to agree on it. But what is an ideal corporate gift, say for instance to give to your clients for New-year?

In my opinion, it needs to be something original, useful and not cheap-looking. Something people will keep at least for a while, or would pass on to somebody. Not something that gets lost in drawers or in the bin…

but the offer of these things is endless… knives, umbrella’s, clocks, pens, bags, scarfs,… so anybody who can help me find an original idea… post them here!

9 opmerkingen:

Anoniem zei

my vote goes to umbrella's with an artistic print on :-) ...
always usefull...

and what about an ironing board??
everybody has and/or need one... mhm, but perhaps that's quite expensive...

Sarah zei

Cups with something like "Relax, have a coffee, let (name of company) do all the working for you!"

Last year we had scarf+gloves+hat here at work.


Endless possibilities!!

Anoniem zei

a picture frame...
with verry subtile branding (ton sur ton)
perfect to put on your desk at work...
where you need the reference...


Stoffel zei

ah we had a picture frame (with subtle branding) last year... it just looks a bit cheap-ish

jaaan zei

A tupperware-potteke with the name of the firm...

idea: Like your hangars.. you give a quality construction for keeping your things good!

Fitness weights... our constructions are strong now it's your turn!

Anoniem zei

Jan, er is een andere carière voor je weggelegd...mooi mooi!

Anoniem zei

Godmiljaar, wie da we hier hebben begot! De Krikke! Euh, tis hier Reinhard trouwens en zeer toevallig op uwen blog beland... ik zet uwen blog alvast bij mijn 'goed blogvolk'-links op mijnen blog ;-)

En wat die surprieskes betreft: de nieuwe Admiral Freebee dedju!

Groeten, Reinhard / Natascha / Ayco

Anoniem zei

I am not used to company christmas presents. By now I've received: sweets, good wine (which is classical but very elegant) and artyfarty notebooks and pencils. The umbrella idea sounds nice, but what about a fairtrade pack thing? They have nice and good things and it is very christmas spirit... check it!

merry x-mas and happy new year!

Alrac zei

We once bought a "decision maker" as a giveaway. People loved it. I know, it might be useless...But wouldn't you be using it now?
Ha ha...