

I suffer a strange disease, something that bugs me already for quiet a while and sometimes I don’t know if I should go mad or feel very lucky or amazed by it… At first I thought I was the only one – but after consulting Dr Google (ah yes, the cheap and allmighty) I found out there’s a whole community sharing my illness… there's even a name for it:

DCCD or Digital Clock Coincidence Disorder

Let me explain: The symptoms are very easy but sometimes very unnerving: Usually when I look at the time on a digital clock, I don’t see random numbers, but logical combinations, such as: 11:11, or 12:12 or 10:10 but also 20:02 or 21:12…It doesn’t happen like once in a while, but every day at least a couple of times…is there anybody else out there sharing this, and what could be the explanation? and what could be the cure?

3 opmerkingen:

Sarah zei


Maybe you should also think about the times you look at the clock and the time is NOT something like 22:22 or 11:11.

Maybe those times are even more frequent (?) than the 22:22 hours?

Maybe you're just putting weird stuff in your head?? :))

Anoniem zei

I have another problem with the clock: I cannot hear it in the morning! And it becomes worst with the spring coming around...

Patrick zei

Type in "Digital Clock Coincidence Disorder" in Google and see whats on top of the list...