
on tour
i can finally use the rock'n roll cliché 'what day is it today? saturday? than this must Hamburg' :-)
if every hotel has free internet as this one (which i very much doubt) i will keep you posted about activities here, but chances are that this blog will be very silent untill mid-december...
guess how many pancakes i can flip at the same time in the right-hand pan...
do it!!

And i have never seen such an enthusiastic crowd cheering, shouting and enjoying themselves...
(I heard a great quote about crowds on a documentary yesterday on tv ‘crowds are like obeying ladies, who want to be treated that way’ – the quote came from H. but I really don’t want to come across as a fan of this person…)

Mika was full of energy, entertaining and of course brought with him all his songs, which I know, since this summer by heart; I had put away the cd the last month or two, because, since they are popsongs, they tend to not to last too long (with me at least) so I had to ‘save’ his music a bit… it made the gig much more thrilling I must say! The show was a celebration to pop-music, a camp and kitch party as it should be!


I went to see a concert of a great singer last Monday night; charming, very talented, very very funny and a perfect crowd-pleaser; entertainment as it should be; accompanied by a big band, piano, bass, drums… Bringing the swing-standards, swing adaptations of famous songs and a few of his own hits; romantic, fun, swinging, poppy, ...
At times the concert looked more like a stand-up comedy routine –and a damn good one for that matter; This combination of humor and great music made this concert so worthwhile; an artist who is no doubt serious about his music but who can also make fun of himself; worth to check this cool Canadian guy out: Michael Bublé;
I have made a list of things that are important to me, but I’m afraid that i am becoming a bit to exigent. This is my wish-list for my dream-car:
Originality - at n° 1, yes – very important
Quality – after driving very old cars the last years, I finally want something better
Size: my keyboard needs to fit in there – and it’s not a small keyboard…
Diesel – I prefer a Diesel for all my visits to Brussels, my parents, the seaside, anywhere…
budget: there is a of course a fixed budget…
Today I am going to see a first car, and immediately one of my favorites; a Mini Cooper!
A few negatives: point 3, I guess my keyboard won’t fit in there and 4. it’s not a diesel;
and the color is light green…

Winter Changes

I had managed to prolong the summer-feeling until last Saturday, taking with me the hopes and lightness and energy you can get from summer; still wearing clothes too light for the season, still singing and whistling in the mornings (yes me!), having lunch on Saturdays outside on a terrace (which we really did until last Saturday);
But with the change of time came also a close encounter with a reality, which probably subconsciously I knew was coming (ok, I try to write it as cryptically as I can but the L-word is involved of course) and which changed a bit the future outlook;
All these strange and vague descriptions just to say that I had a lousy and terrible Sunday, that it’s raining today, that it’s getting darker earlier and yes, today, I’m not liking it!
But tomorrow I’ll be happy again, if I can only think that this change of time also means cozy evenings with friends and family playing games, Christmas-atmosphere (you all might hate it, I love it!), going on tour with the Proms, hot chocolate, grandmother’s waffles, and yes, as K said, in only 8 weeks days are starting to get longer again… so bring winter on… tomorrow.
ps: it's the song that counts, not the video :-)
May i present to you,
for a limited time only again in our little country,
living in the capital of Europe,
still studying, still enjoying life,
the princess of Spain,
the queen of Huperspace,
the goddess of libraries, theatres and cultural life in general,
misstress of relativity of time,
and above all
my friend
it's a summer thing

Last day

Let the music play
Voices are being raised that the government should impose certain percentage of ‘Flemish songs’ on our radio stations, as is the case in a few other European countries already.
I am not really sure if imposing such a criteria – especially in Flanders - is a good thing. With 6 mi

I think it wiser if political rulers should support our Flemish musicians more (all genres!) in order to become better musicians, better organisers etc. If our music becomes more professional, radio stations will pick it up more easily.
one week

take one week of holidays and try to squeeze in all of the following activities:
1. going to the hairdresser (near Brussels)
2. visit old colleagues (near Antwerp)
3. go with your sister and her family on holiday for a couple of days (near Carcassone in France)
4. refresh your marketing-lingo in relation to tires
5. settle some financial issues with the bank
6. going with the car to the technical control (and hope it passes otherwise point 5 will have to be addressed again)
7. organise a poker night
8. rehearse for your new band
9. Sales! Shopping! Clothes!
10. going to the seaside (depending on weather)
11. farewell party for my old colleagues
12. sleep/relax/enjoy/party/meet/feel/...
anybody some usefull hints as to how to fit these things in my week of holidays next week?
week of change
This week is my last week at my current job, and i would be lying if i say that i will miss this place… i really am looking forward to this new challenge which starts in two weeks on Monday. Since it is my last week, I now officially declared it party-week, with hopefully everyday a bit of a celebration (should be everyday of life, but hey this week is extra special).
I started yesterday evening (and night) by going to Brussels to a gig of my two favourite uncles (when ever in need for a small live band with great music!).
After a few beers and a sleepover party (with lots of catching-up-talk) at Karliens new place, I even – probably for the first time and very probably also the last time in this job – arrived 15 minutes early this morning!
But i fear that my body will
12 000 euro

how very british, non?

Stereotypically we only feel "Belgian" (or Belgianese as my American colleagues liked to tease) at large national happenings, such as football matches of our national team (haha) and the death of our royals.
However this good ol' Belgian pride (not to be mistaken with other recent prides) will for sure grow again when the following news will become more and more public. Steven Spielberg, together with Peter Jackson from Lord Of The Rings will make three movies based on the comic-books Tintin, written and drawn by our own Belgian Hergé. They will use the latest techniques in computer animation, which promises to have a lot more soul than all its predecessors...
Being a keen fan of animated movies, I’m more than curious to see the result and of course its effect on Belgium, the Belgians, and the "Belgianese". I doubt if I will feel more Belgian, but every little helps, i guess...

is it not-done to mention on your blog that it's your birthday today? I struggle with these things... the fine line between sharing your feelings/thoughts on life and plain ego-advertising?
or is there a subtle way of communicating these kinds of messages, indicating a certain (i hope healthy) need for attention (which we all need)... any way, i think in the mean time, the message came accross :-)
balancing on this fine line,
for 28 years now,
still yours truly,
Hakuna Matata
I’m off to London to meet Audrey from Edinburgh - well, actually she is from New Zealand, but she lives in Edinburgh, where I met her, but now she's moving to Bristol - anyway... we're going to see The Lion King - The Musical which i am really really enthusiastic about, have shop-till-we-drop-sessions, massages in Covent garden (let's see if it's my cup of tea, because massages and me usually don't go hand in hand) and also meet Nic, which is always a pleasure!
so three days of laughter and fun, I’m up for it!





feels like i'm 17 again
first there was AliasGrey, whom I studied with in Leuven and who was supporting Sioen on this gig; Lenny Vane was there to applaud him, together with Ann who is a good friend of mine and was a co-leader in the children’s summercamp; J. my sister’s ex boyfriend (he still looked good and hadn’t change a bit); my uncle and aunt who I had dinner with; my uncle’s good friend Gitaar whom I also have played music with before; lots of ‘heys’ and ‘hello’s’ from faces I recognised…this one song that bounces in my head is “it feels like I’m 17 again…”

In the mean time spring has entered Antwerp, but unfortunately I haven’t been able to enjoy it much, since I had a bit of a cold these last few days, but hey, the sun shines – who is complaining? Only problem is that, when feeling physically limited (because of the cold) my mind feels restrained and on those moments i would love to thousand things (making music, going out, seeing friends, travel, etc.) but find myself frustrated on the couch... oh well, better days are coming!
more -ing
unfortunately some of the –ings for this week :-)
Luckily also
All the -ings
i will be i-ing
next week on

huuuuuuuurraaaaaayy (-ing)
'll be back here again in a week!
Goodbye Mr Humphries

Although in my opinion, the series has lost its battle against time - just like Mr Humphries now - I really like watching it, and Mr Humphries is definitely one of my favourite characters.

Grace Kelly
so why not start the day, with my favourite tune-of-the-moment!
Enjoy the weekend!
Baba Marta
Now before all your minds go thinking things that would not fit my very decent and honourable image, I am talking here about chocolate, of course!
i was already a real addict and now here at my job, we get free chocolates to go with our coffee (or without coffee). We can choose between milk or dark chocolate. Not very spectacular but I recently discovered a secret stack at the reception desk. A little treasure is hidden there: the Côte d’Or Noir de Noir Mignonnettes… (a wrong delivery from our supplier)

(do you reckon that Côte d'Or - if they would read this, that they might give me some free chocolate now?)
worth it

I have seen Tori Amos now twice, always in more 'intimate' concert halls, both times only Tori on piano alone. So i would really like to see he

ghosts of the past...

It's now almost 15 years ago (omg, getting older) since we sang that piece, but I still remember a lot of the music... I had to sing the part of headmaster and i still remember lines like: "walk in single line, out of the classroom, and into the playground..." and then for some odd reason the headmaster went out of the school to the graveyard to wonder about his friends fom the past... oh, glory days...
am i beginning to sound like a granny?

Giving presentations is a bit like acting, I think. In front of an audience, getting your message across, trying to grasp the people’s attention. I think maybe that is why I like doing it so much.
Today I had to present the marketing-issues of my company to our affiliate managers from all around Europe. A mixed audience of engineery-kind-of-sales persons… not really the kind of personality I would consider myself as part of, but as a marketeer/advertising guy you have to be able to empathize with everybody.
Talking about acting, last night I went to see the musical “Beauty and the Beast”. It was the translated version of the international Disney musical… and in that translation were some non-intended hilarious moments (unfortunately only to explain to Dutch-speakers…). But – B&B being one of my favourite disney movies and with my deep passion for musicals and Disney– needless to say that I thoroughly enjoyed it!
And to end, once more, a promise to update this thing more regularly.
There I said it, now remind me enough to do so as well!
The last days in keywords
(or a cheap blog-trick to post a new item without inspiration to write)
- I still love Daan
- De Nachten
- Tedious Tension
- Uncle’s in Action
- How’s my French?
- Petrol still rocks
- Lazy Sunday (no explanation necessary i pressume)
- Should old acquaintances…
happy as a child
Although by definition useless and worth, well at the most 5 euros, it's such fun and such a laugh to make/give/open them... with lots of ooohs and aaaahs and applause, items such as pig-shaped-lighters, light-torches that you have to charge by shaking, funny picture-frames, mosquito-traps (to make a mosquito-fur-coat), and a breakfast-package. The latter was received by me and would have been very handy on Sunday-morning, if I would have not forgotten it in the trunk of my friends car who drove us to the party… such a shame :-)


It flows and it goes, faster than anyone can imagine... the new software - the full Adobe Creative suite and Macromedia Studio - is in full charge... I customised all settings, to perfect my powerbabe... so let the marketing-activities begin! (or continue to be more accurate).
on a more personal level, we managed – although I really really really didn’t feel like it - to go swim for the second time yesterday and it felt really good – amazing (especially to me) how some physical exercise can do wonders.
There is another fascinating thing that a friend send me today, but I think I will blog about it later, because I really should do something bigger with it, than just putting it on my blog… so keep your eyes open.
let's go...

Tonight, since all Newyears-resolutions must start someday (and as per definition probably end in the nearby future as well), we will have our already third attempt tonight to go swimming (first attempt: swimming pool closed, second attempt: strike of the swimming-pool-employees)! In order to help our motivation, we this time solemnly pledged to go for drinks afterwards…

Good intentions for 2007? In a bit of a drunken state of mind, I commited myself to go and swim every week with some friends… A bit of more physical exercise (isn’t that number one of New Year’s resolutions?) can do wonders, no? so tonight, hopefully if all works out well, we go and swim…