
boys and their toys

do you know the saying 'boys and their toys'?

and do you know as well that once a boy has bought his toy, he wants to play with it as soon as possible; ripping open the box it is wrapped in, milliseconds after payment in the shop?

Did you know that the older the boys become, the more expensive their toys and the more eager to play with them?

then WHY is my new toy STILL standing at my parents driveway, already for 1 week and at least 2 more weeks to go!!!

I blame them and especially them - for being bureaucratic, slow and inefficient and I want the whole world to know…

but most of all, I want to play with my new toy…
how am I going to survive the next two weeks?
Who can help me divert my thoughts?
immediate action is needed to avoid tantrums and bad humours...

3 opmerkingen:

Anoniem zei

hey kristof... het is me duidelijk. Die mini gaat gelukkig worden! Hij is alvast echt gewild en gepland door zijn nieuwe eigenaar.

Miss K zei

eerste manier om je gedachten te verzetten: vanavond mee naar Amsterdam!
tweede manier: vergadering der bartillianen op donderdag!
derde manier: een 1-2-3'tje op zaterdag?
vierde manier: een dvd-namiddagje op zondag?

Anoniem zei

je zal er volgende week zoveel meer van genieten
dit is toch maar een klein luxe probleempje moet je denken