

well it has been a very quiet weekend; highlights? friday-night chat with Rosa from Spain, saturday-night at alli's restaurant and sunday the fireworks to celebrate the end of the festival. For that occassion we were invited by a customer of the restaurant to one of his empty office-buildings on the very prestigious Charlotte Square where there supposedly should have been a "designer garden" from where we could watch everything. Supposedly i say because, when we arrived in the building, being late already, we ran up the stairs and up and up and up... untill we found... nothing! no garden, not even windows with good views on the castle... so running back down, on the street up to princess street... I returned home rather quickly after the fireworks and watched with Sarah and Karlos the movie "Gattaca" starring Ethan Hawke and Jude Law... very good movie!

plans for this week? : i am doubting wether to buy a small cheap-mini-keyboard in able to play a bit or to buy a guitar... mini-keyboard would be to "throw away" but would at least keep me going, but a guitar would teach me something new - although i would also have to cope with the frustration of not being able to play on the same level as my piano-skill... i will decide tonight because i need to play again! so if you read this : a small poll : guitar or mini-keyboard?

6 opmerkingen:

Anoniem zei


Anoniem zei

mmmmm.... difficult... this is like having to choose between a chocolat cake which you know for sure you like a lot and gives you immediate pleasure, or trying a raspberry cake which you may like, or not, but that means a change and a lot of patience, which is allways good. So if I were rational and thinking of you I would say Keyboard, being irrational I would say Guitarr, because it is an adventure.

So... qué será será, whatever will be, will be?

Anoniem zei

as you know, the choice between chocolate cake and something else is - in my case - no choice... :-)

Anoniem zei

vale, ok: with a chocolate cake there is never choice. I just meant that adventure makes live spicy, which is allways worthwile. And if the choice is between a cheap keyboard and a guitar, I would try with the guitar, because sooner or later you will anyway buy a good keyboard, so in the end you would get everything.

Anoniem zei

it's too late... a new musical instrument has born... and it's... a ..... keyboard!!

i decided i never would be as good a guitarist as keyboardplayer, and to be able to de-stress in the evenings or to escape sometimes daily routine, i find it better to play piano...

Anoniem zei

