
ghosts of the past...

These last days a song from my past has nestled itself in my mind... when i was in music academy (sounds like police academy) we used to rehearse "Liverpool Oratorium" written by Paul McCartney.

It's now almost 15 years ago (omg, getting older) since we sang that piece, but I still remember a lot of the music... I had to sing the part of headmaster and i still remember lines like: "walk in single line, out of the classroom, and into the playground..." and then for some odd reason the headmaster went out of the school to the graveyard to wonder about his friends fom the past... oh, glory days...

am i beginning to sound like a granny?

2 opmerkingen:

Sarah zei

yes, like a very old one who is baking apple pies all day and knitting scarfs!!

oh.. wait a minute.. that sounds more like me :)

Anoniem zei

jajaja! I don't sing old songs but at this moment I am knitting a scarf!!!! oh no!!!!! But is a nice scarf, though.