
we had a little bbq

and that is just what i wanted to say; yesterday we had a nice little bbq, just like that. Nothing fancy, nothing organised... which made it the more fun... after the food we went for a treasure hunt near the water (I really can't tell more about this) and then for a cocktail in the Capuccino Club (which may sound like it is inspired by "Friends", but is in fact a very laid back, cool bar just around our flat... just so you know!

5 opmerkingen:

Miss K zei

De 'veurleste' in café 'Den knappe ober'!! Jeuj! :-)

Anoniem zei

ivm café 'Den knappe ober'... kan ik vanop afstand ook een bestelling doorgeven?

Anoniem zei

a treasure hunt (but you really can't tell more about it)...
shit nu ben ik pas nieuwsgierig
by the way...
Café de knappen ober...
wie wat waar en vooral wanneer?

Anoniem zei


Stoffel zei

van cafe de knappe ober horen jullie nog wel! een side-projectje van karen en mezelf om de knappe obers te spotten in antwerpen... :-)